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Super Easy Guitar Chords in G Major

Updated: Sep 4, 2023

This lesson is the fast track to learning the most commonly-used easy guitar chords. I can't find anywhere else online where they teach about these chords, but in the guitar world, we all use these day-in-and-day-out.

Learning to play guitar can be a challenge, especially if you're doing things strictly "by the book". But, the fact is that most songs use only a handful of easy guitar chords, and I want to show you a super simple way to play the most commonly used guitar chords.

I created the basic chords chart below (how to read a chord chart) as a guide. These simple guitar chords make learning guitar very easy, because all of these guitar chords are nearly identical and only involve changing one finger. The pinky finger and ring finger remain on the 3rd fret the entire time. The pinky will stay on the 3rd fret of the 1st string. The ring finger will stay on the 3rd fret of the 2nd string. Give them a try...

(Hint: Where there is an 'X', do not play that string. Where there is an 'O', play that string open).

This is a guitar chord chart for chords used in G major. This is a great tool for learning guitar.
Guitar Chord Chart in G Major

To put these easy guitar chords into real-world application, find any song online, and you'll likely be able to substitute a more difficult chord for one of the chords in the guitar chord chart above. As a disclaimer, I haven't given the exact correct names for the easy chords above - I don't think it's worth the confusion, especially since the point is to make guitar chords easier at this point in your journey. However, I'll include the proper names, here:

G5 - G/F - Cadd9 - G/F# - G/B - em7 - Dsus4



If you'd like to learn about taking online or in-studio guitar lessons in Bend, Oregon, learn more here.

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